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09 May 2010

what are men putting on - eclectic style

i think i'm getting closer to what the fuck is going on, but perhaps not. people have been arguing that contemporary pop culture is boring because it it only rehashing the 80's or whatever.  but come on, this is more interesting.  when the 80's rediscovered shoulder pads from the 40's it was because the culture was becoming more "business" based as a fashion sense.  of course, the 40's were the time when more women then ever before and long time after entered the male dominated workplace.  Everyone knows that shoulders are the definition of masculinity anyway.  can we fit our brand of pop style into a similar scenario?  the history of american pop music at least has largely been a history of appropriating black music.  but now, i would say that the hip hop regime of top notch black producers run the industry. Although we all loved daft punk since like 3rd grade, you can't deny that they never became more influential than after kayne west stole the duo from beardless hip kids and french coke addicts and gave it to the masses.

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